blog on Depression anxiety and bullying in teenagers

Depression, anxiety and teen suicide

Depression, anxiety and teen suicide

Teenagers today face a multitude of challenges that previous generations never encountered. Rapid technological advancements, social media pressures, academic stress, and societal expectations all contribute to an increase in anxiety, depression, and suicide among teenagers. The World Health Organisation reports that nearly 700,000 people die by suicide each year, and it is the 4th leading cause of death among 15 to 19-year-olds globally. In South Africa, suicide accounts for 9% of all teenage deaths, and this number continues to rise.

Anxiety and panic disorders are some of the most common mental health issues affecting adolescents. Panic attacks, which involve intense periods of fear and physical symptoms such as chest pain, dizziness, and shortness of breath, can severely impact a teenager’s quality of life. These disorders go beyond just feeling nervous or worried and can become debilitating if left untreated. Adolescents experiencing anxiety disorders often feel overwhelmed, leading to feelings of isolation and helplessness.

Depression is another significant factor contributing to teen suicide. While not all teenagers with depression attempt suicide, the majority of those who do are struggling with untreated depression. Depression affects mood, thoughts, and physical well-being, and it often leaves teenagers feeling hopeless. However, depression is treatable, and 80% of those who seek treatment show significant improvement.

Caregivers and parents must be aware of the warning signs of anxiety and depression in adolescents. Early intervention and access to mental health resources can make a crucial difference. By promoting open communication, reducing the stigma around mental health, and seeking professional support, the devastating trend of teen suicide can be addressed and hopefully reduced.

Warning signs of depression

According to the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), the following signs may be indicators of depression in teenagers:

  • Sadness that won’t go away. Crying a lot.
  • Irritability and/or anger.
  • Feelings of guilt or hopelessness.
  • Worrying, anxiety, and tension.
  • Loss of interest in fun activities.
  • Not socially connected to their peers, loneliness, and feeling out of place.
  • Changes in appetite. Eating too little or too much.
  • Changes in sleep patterns. Sleeping too little or too much.
  • Having low energy, constant tiredness, or being restless.
  • Missing school.
  • School marks or performance dropping.
  • Having trouble making decisions.
  • Thoughts of suicide. Thinking a lot of dying or killing themselves.

If a loved one is suffering from depression, try to

  • Be there to help them.
  • Encourage them to confide in someone they trust.
  • Help them break large tasks into smaller ones and do what they can.
  • Help them set realistic goals.
  • Suggest ways to keep their mind busy and to do things that they enjoy or used to enjoy.
  • Encourage them to keep a diary or journal. It’s a great way to get feelings out.
  • Understand depression so that you know what you’re dealing with.


Bullying at school has far-reaching consequences if not dealt with appropriately. It can have a direct impact on the mental well-being of your child.

As a caregiver you can

  • Get to know the different types of bullying.
  • Identify the signs of bullying.
  • Learn what effects of bullying to look out for.
  • Know the effects and consequences of bullying.
  • Find out more about cyberbullying.
  • Prevent bullying.
  • Learn how to support the victim of bullying.
  • Learn how to help the bully.
  • Know where to get help.

What to do if your child is being bullied

  • If you think something might be wrong with your child, ask them.
  • Learn to listen to what they’re saying. Make family time a priority where talking is encouraged.
  • Take what they say seriously.
  • Avoid blaming them. It’s not their fault.
  • Reassure them that telling you is the right thing to do.
  • Never promise your child that you’ll keep it a secret,
  • Teach your child to be assertive and confident, and suggest practical ways to solve the problem.
  • Never leave your child to sort it out on their own.
  • Get your children into extra-mural activities that will help them widen their circle of friends.
  • If a child is being bullied, the chances are that other children are being bullied too. Talk to your child’s teachers and other parents.

Talking to your children about their mental health may not be easy, but starting the conversation is vital.


All threats or attempts to commit suicide should be taken seriously. In 75% of all suicides, the person gave some warning or made their intention known to a loved one.

Risk factors for suicide

  • Family problems and issues
  • Relationship problems
  • Violence
  • Emotional and/or sexual abuse
  • Substance abuse
  • Ill health or disease
  • Bullying
  • Previous attempts to commit suicide
  • Family history of suicide or depression

Warning signs of suicide

According to the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), the following may be warning signs of suicide in teenagers:

  • Depression.
  • Self-criticism e.g. “I can’t do anything right,” “I’m hideous,” etc.
  • Talking or joking about suicide.
  • Writing poems, essays, or painting/drawing images of death.
  • Risk-taking behaviour such as using drugs, drinking and driving, unprotected sex, etc.
  • Not taking an interest in appearance or a decline in personal hygiene.
  • Drastic personality changes.
  • Preparing for death by giving away things and/or saying goodbye.
  • Suddenly feeling better. This could mean they may have decided to commit suicide, set a date for their suicide, and they know that their pain will soon end.

Coping strategies if you are feeling suicidal

  • Tell someone immediately. This could be any person you trust, such as a parent or teacher, friend or family member.
  • Call South African Depression and Anxiety Group SADAG on 0800 567 567 or SMS 31393.
  • Make sure that you’re not alone.
  • You might feel that you just want to be alone, but withdrawing and isolating yourself from the people who care about you isn’t a good idea.
  • Don’t use alcohol and/or drugs.
  • Ask your family to lock away/hide knives, medication, rope, firearms, or anything that can be used to self-harm.
  • Keep pictures of your favourite people or pet(s) with you.

How to help someone who is suicidal

  • Be a willing and active listener.
  • If you notice any behavioural changes or warning signs, ask what’s troubling them.
  • If there are signs of depression, ask whether they’re considering suicide.
  • Don’t argue anyone out of suicide. Let them know that you care, understand, and that they’re not alone. Make them aware that suicidal feelings are temporary, depression can be treated, and that problems can be solved. Never say, “You have so much to live for” or that “suicide will hurt your family.”
  • Remove razors, medication, rope, knives, scissors, firearms, etc. that can be used in a suicide attempt.
  • If there’s an immediate danger of suicide, take the person to their nearest clinic and don’t leave them alone until help is available.
  • Call your emergency numbers if the above options aren’t available

Where to get help

South African Depression and Anxiety Group

Suicide Crisis Line: 0800 567 567

Mental health line: 011 234 4837

Contact a Counsellor

Lifeline Western Cape 

Telephone counselling: 021 461 1111

WhatsApp: 063 709 2620


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